Author: Ted Folkman

  • Case of the Day: Judicial Authority of Ohio v. Mann

    The case of the day is Judicial Authority of Ohio v. Mann (Jerusalem Magistrate Court 2016). I don’t have the text of the opinion, unfortunately, but I got a pointer to the case from Eric Sherby’s Globalit blog. The case involved a letter of request under the Hague Evidence Convention seeking discovery in aid of……

  • Congress Overrides The JASTA Veto

    By lopsided votes, Congress overrode the President’s veto of JASTA, the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act. The vote in the Senate was 97 to 1, and in the House of Representatives the vote was 348 to 77. What’s done is done, but it just seems very odd to me for the country with the……

  • Lago Agrio: Donziger Seeks Rehearing En Banc

    Steven Donziger has petitioned the Second Circuit to rehear his appeal of Judge Kaplan’s judgment in the RICO case en banc. It’s a Deepak Gupta brief, so it’s well-done and a good read. Will it be successful? Here are a few thoughts.

  • President Obama Vetoes JASTA

    Since we are talking about the other branches of government getting involved in foreign sovereign immunity, here is a report on the proposed Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act, S. 2040. The purpose of the bill is “to provide civil litigants with the broadest possible basis, consistent with the Constitution of the United States, to……

  • Case of the Day: Harrison v. Sudan

    The case of the day is Harrison v. Sudan (2d Cir. 2016). I wrote about the case about a year ago. Today’s decision is on a petition for rehearing brought by Sudan, joined by the United States as amicus curiae. Here was my statement of the facts from the prior post: