Author: Ted Folkman

  • Letters Blogatory’s Trump Listening Tour

    A conservative blog called MercatorNet (“Navigating Modern Complexities”) was kind enough to repost my post-election reflections, where I focused on the need to reach out and listen to Trump supporters. Well, some Trump supporters, and some conservatives who did not vote for President-elect Trump, took the time to respond, for which I’m grateful. I think……

  • Case of the Day: Silver Star Alpine Meadows v. Quinlan

    The case of the day is Silver Star Alpine Meadows Development, Ltd. v. Quinlan (Cal. Ct. App. 2016). Lora and Stephen Quinlan had a contract to purchase lots in an undeveloped subdivision in a British Columbia ski resort. They refused to close, believing the seller, Silver Star, had changed the topography of the lots in……

  • Case of the Day: Honig v. Cardis Enterprises

    The case of the day is Honig v. Cardis Enterprises International N.V. (E.D.N.Y. 2016). Edward Honig sued Cardis Enterprises International N.V.,and others for securities fraud. Cardis was a Curaçao company. It moved to dismiss for insufficient service of process.

  • Kristallnacht?

    Kristallnacht was seventy-eight years ago yesterday. I won’t give a long explanation of Kristallnacht. Here is a photograph from the pogrom.

  • Apostille Convention: The 2016 Conclusions and Recommendations

    The Hague Conference has published the Conclusions and Recommendations of the 2016 Special Commission on the operation of the Apostille Convention. Here are a few issues that may be of particular interest: