Author: Ted Folkman

  • Remember the Melians

    Remember the Melians? Melos was a city-state on an Aegean island that was besieged by Athens in the Peloponnesian War. During the siege, the Athenians and the Melians held a parley, which Thucydides dramatized in his History. Thucydides’ dialogue is one of the urtexts of realism in international relations. The Athenians gave the Melians an……

  • Case of the Day: Jouanny v. Embassy of France

    The case of the day is Jouanny v. Embassy of France (D.D.C. 2016). Annie Jouanny, a US citizen born in France, worked as a receptionist for the French embassy. She sued, alleging age discrimination in violation of the the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, and retaliation after she filed a charge with the Equal Employment……

  • Case of the Day: Hajdinyak v. O’Connell

    The case of the day is Hajdinyak v. O’Connell (Mass. App. Div. 2106). Lisa-Marie O’Connell and her family went on a vacation in Aruba. On the beach, she saw a dog, Coco, who was “dehydrated and in distress.” She cared for the dog and took it to the veterinarian, who told her that the dog……

  • Case of the Day: Hardy Exploration v. Government of India

    The case of the day is Hardy Exploration & Production (India), Inc. v. Government of India (D.D.C. 2016). Hardy was a participant, initially with other private firms and later on its own, then in the end with an Indian state-owned company, GAIL (India) Ltd., in a contract with the government of India for the development……

  • New Blogatory | Politics Site Live!

    Readers, thank you for giving me your views on whether political posts should be kept separate from the main fare here at Letters Blogatory. The majority of readers said they liked the political coverage and had no problem with mixing it with more straightforward legal posts, but a few readers said they would prefer for……