Author: Ted Folkman

  • Russian Hacking: Trump’s Plan B

    President-elect Donald Trump has now had a classified briefing from the Director of National Intelligence and the directors of the FBI, CIA, and NSA on the Russian hacking issue, and we have had the chance to read the unclassified version of the report. What can we conclude?

  • Case of the Day: Enron Nigeria Power Holding v. Nigeria

    The case of the day is Enron Nigeria Power Holding, Ltd. v. Federal Republic of Nigeria (D.C. Cir. 2016). Nigeria was party to a contract for construction of electrical facilities with ENPH. The contract was made in 1999, but almost immediately thereafter Nigeria suspended implementation, after it received a letter from the World Bank criticizing……

  • Martha Minow To Step Down As Dean

    I remember the very first hour of my very first day of law school. I was sitting in the back rows of one of the large amphitheaters in Austin Hall, waiting nervously with my new classmates for Professor Kingsfield to arrive. Well, not really. We knew that our civil procedure professor was going to be……

  • Case of the Day: Alimanestianu v. United States

    The case of the day is Alimanestianu v. United States (Fed. Cl. 2016). This is the summary judgment decision following the decision on a motion to dismiss that I covered in December 2015. Here was my statement of the facts from the earlier post: The plaintiffs are relatives of Mihai Alimanestianu, an American citizen who……

  • Trump, Israel, and the Security Council: Fiasco

    The fiasco of the Security Council’s resolution on Israeli settlements in the West Bank was a fitting end to 2016. It featured lots of what’s wrong with the world today. Here is my take.