Author: Ted Folkman

  • Non-expert Thoughts On The Syria Attack

    The consensus view on the legality of the American attack on Syria among experts seems clear: the attacks, most experts have said, was illegal under international law. The basic reason is this. Article 2(4) of the United Nations Charter provides: “All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force……

  • Advising on Choice of Law and Choice of Forum

    My firm, Murphy & King, has put together short videos featuring some of our lawyers. My video, which has been given a somewhat highfalutin but also nondescriptive title, is about the wisdom of agreeing on choice of law and choice of forum—something many small- and mid-sized companies—and sometimes big companies!—fail to do when contracting. Check……

  • Hague Securities Convention: The Explanatory Report

    As I noted a few months ago, the Hague Securities Convention has now come into force. The Hague Conference has now published a second edition of the explanatory report that accompanies the Convention.

  • Case of the Day: Philipp v. Germany

    The case of the day is Philipp v. Federal Republic of Germany (D.D.C. 2017). It involves the Guelph Treasure, the Welfenschatz. In 1929, a consortium of three Jewish art dealers, J&S Goldschmidt, I. Rosenbaum, and Z.M. Hackenbroch, purchased the Treasure from the Duke of Brunswick-Lüneberg. The Treasure included dozens of medieval reliquaries and other religious……

  • Case of the Day: Leibovitch v. Iran

    The case of the day is Leibovitch v. Islamic Republic of Iran (7th Cir. 2017). The plaintiffs were the victims of a terrorist attack in Jerusalem by members of Palestine Islamic Jihad, a terrorist group supported by the government of Iran. The plaintiffs had a default judgment against Iran for $67 million. Seeking to collect,……