Author: Ted Folkman

  • OFAC Sanctions Honda

    The law governing export controls is a niche area, and I have to say I know very little about it. I did, however, recently come across a post by Clif Burns of Bryan Cave that called to mind the Kuwait Airways case I’ve written about before. Burns’s post noted a recent sanction that the Office……

  • Puerto Rico Votes For Statehood

    Yesterday Puerto Rico held a plebiscite on its political status. A whopping 97% of the voters favored statehood. The remainder of the vote was split between the other two options, independence and continuation of the island’s status as a US territory.

  • Comments on the Chimpanzee Habeas Case

    The case of the day is Nonhuman Rights Project, Inc. ex rel. Tommy v. Lavery (N.Y. App. Div. 2017). This is the second in my occasional series of posts on animal rights law: in November 2015 I wrote about the Monkey Selfie case. The claim was that Tommy, a chimpanzee, has been kept in captivity……

  • Director Coats and Director Rogers Must Resign

    I have already called for President Trump to resign. The reason: his admission that he fired James Comey, the former FBI director, in order to derail the Russia investigation. Yesterday, in a hearing before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, the witnesses were Adm. Michael S. Rogers, Director of the NSA, and Director of National……

  • Everybody Loves a Parade

    A little off-topic photography from a parade I happened to see by chance when walking downtown. Here are some minutemen firing off their muskets to the delight of tourists on the Freedom Trail: