Author: Ted Folkman

  • Case to Watch: LaVenture v. United Nations

    At Opinio Juris, Kristen Boon reports on LaVenture v. United Nations, another Haiti cholera case, similar to the Georges v. United Nations case I’ve written about before. If you recall, in Georges, the plaintiffs’ main argument for avoiding the rule of immunity in the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations was……

  • Worse than Berlusconi

    Many countries separate the offices of head of government and head of state. In the UK, you have the Prime Minister and then you have the Queen. In Germany you have the Chancellor and then you have the President. Even in France, with a strong presidential system of government, you have a Prime Minister and……

  • Case of the Day: Hernández v. Mesa

    The case of the day is Hernández v. Mesa (S. Ct. 2017). Hernández is one of the cases the Supreme Court decided on the last day of its just-concluded Term. Several of the decisions were highly interesting; none of them was a private international law case; but Hernandez is quite literally a cross-border case, so……

  • Case of the Day: Zamora v. JP Morgan Chase Bank

    The case of the day is Zamora v. JP Morgan Chase Bank, NA (S.D.N.Y. 2017). Daniel Zamora sued Dilia Margarita Baez and Jairo Enrique Sanchez for defrauding investors. The two were residents of Colombia. Zamora effected service by having a Colombian lawyer affix the documents to the defendants’ homes, and by certified mail. It appears……

  • Case of the Day: Jam v. International Finance Corp.

    The case of the day is Jam v. International Finance Corp. (D.C. Cir. 2017). Budha Ismail Jam and the other plaintiffs were fishermen and farmers who lived near Gujarat, India. Tata Power, an Indian utility company, built the Tata Mundra Power Plant nearby. The project was financed with a $450 million loan from the IFC,……