Case of the Day: Sonic Finance v. Prima
The case of the day is Sonic Finance Inc. v. Prima Pte. Ltd. (N.Y. Sup. Ct. 2017). Sonic Finance and Mirage Finace owned two ships, the Sunray and the moonray. They contracted with Prima Pte. Ltd., a special-purpose entity set up for the transaction, for the purchase and sale of the Sunray. They contracted with……
Case of the Day: Lasheen v. Loomis Co.
The case of the day is Lasheen v. Loomis Co. (E.D. Cal. 2017). Mohamed Lasheen, an Egyptian national, was a visiting scholar in the United States in 2000. He enrolled in the Egyptian Embassy’s health care plan. Loomis was the plan’s third-party administrator. He was diagnosed with liver cancer, but his claim for coverage for……
Lago Agrio: Canadian Appellate Court Requires LAPs To Give Security
In January I reported on the Lago Agrio plaintiffs’ latest setback in their quest to obtain recognition of their Ecuadoran judgment in Canada. The Ontario Superior Court granted summary judgment to Chevron, holding that its indirect Canadian subsidiaries’ assets were not assets of Chevron (the judgment debtor) that could be reached on execution. The LAPs……
America’s Problems On Steroids
As you no doubt have read, the worst mass shooting by a single gunman in US history happened yesterday in Las Vegas. As of Monday evening, fifty-nine people are dead and 527 are wounded. The killer, according to unnamed officials, had at least twenty rifles in his room, including AR-15-style assault rifles. At least one……
Case of the Day: Codigo Music v. Televisa
The case of the day is Codigo Music LLC v. Televisa SA de CV (S.D. Fla. 2017). Codigo sued Televisa, a Mexican company, and sought to serve process via the Central Authority. The Central Authority refused to serve the document on the grounds that it referenced both the Hague Service Convention and the Inter-American Convention……