Author: Ted Folkman

  • Case of the Day: FKA Distributing v. Yisi Technology

    The case of the day is FKA Distributing Co. v. Yisi Technology Co. (E.D. Mich. 2017). FKA sued Yisi, a Chinese firm. FKA first simply emailed the summons to Yisi, but after Yisi failed to respond, it made a request for service under the Hague Service Convention. Although only a few months had passed, FKA……

  • Case of the Day: Kiribati Seafood v. Dechert

    Case of the Day: Kiribati Seafood v. Dechert

    The case of the day is Kiribati Seafood Co. v. Dechert LLP (Mass. 2017). Kiribati and Olympic Packer, LLC were Washington companies. Kiribati owned the Madee, a fishing vessel, which it chartered to Olympic and to Dojin Co. for fishing tuna in the Pacific. The ship’s rudder was damaged, and it was put in dry……

  • Lago Agrio: Brazilian Reporting Judge Denies Recognition of Ecuadoran Judgment

    Lago Agrio: Brazilian Reporting Judge Denies Recognition of Ecuadoran Judgment

    Details are spotty, but I can report that Justice Luis Felipe Salomão of Brazil’s Superior Court of Justice, has issued an oral opinion refusing to recognize the Lago Agrio plaintiffs’ Ecuadoran judgment. The only information I have about the opinion so far comes from Chevron. Apparently Judge Salomão noted a lack of jurisdiction and also……

  • Case of the Day: Desiano v. Envision Foods

    The case of the day is Desiano v. Envision Foods, Inc. (Mass. Super. Ct. 2017). I love this one. Ralph Desiano had a Florida money judgment for nearly $200,000 against Envision. Desiano’s case against Envision had nothing to do with Massachusetts, and Envision was not subject to general personal jurisdiction here, either. But Envision was……

  • Sgt. Bergdahl Pleads Guilty

    Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl pleaded guilty to desertion and misbehavior before the enemy at his court-martial yesterday. Apparently the plea came without any agreement with the government, suggesting that Bergdahl is, in effect, throwing himself on the mercy of the military judge (he elected to have his case tried before a judge alone rather than a……