Author: Ted Folkman

  • Belfast Project: Northern Irish Court May Return McIntyre Interviews To US Unread

    Belfast Project: Northern Irish Court May Return McIntyre Interviews To US Unread

    The Irish News has reported that the High Court has given the government two weeks to show cause why tapes concerning Anthony McIntyre’s involvement in the Troubles shouldn’t be returned to the United States without having been turned over to the PSNI. I reported on the UK’s MLAT request and the subpoena back in April……

  • Case of the Day: Dr. Pepper Snapple Group v. Bebidas Purificadas de Tehuacan

    Case of the Day: Dr. Pepper Snapple Group v. Bebidas Purificadas de Tehuacan

    The case of the day is Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, Inc. v. Bebidas Purificadas de Tehuacan, S.A. de C.V. (N.D. Tex. 2017). It’s another example that proves the point I’ve tried to make several times now about putting misplaced trust in “vendors” who claim to have the secret to the deeply mystical and problematic art……

  • Case of the Day: Schermerhorn v. Israel

    Case of the Day: Schermerhorn v. Israel

    The case of the day is Schermerhorn v. State of Israel (D.C. Cir. 2017). I covered the District Court decision in February 2017. The case is in the “Gaza flotilla lawfare” genre, along with Doğan v. Barak. David Schermerhorn and several others set sail on the Challenger I in 2010 to take part in the……

  • US To Move Its Embassy In Israel To Jerusalem

    US To Move Its Embassy In Israel To Jerusalem

    Update: As of yesterday evening, it appeared that the President would in fact sign another six-month waiver of the law requiring the US embassy to be in Jerusalem but that he would “declare” (I assume the article really means “recognize”) that Jerusalem is Israel’s capital. Who knows if that’s the final view, so this post……

  • Some Thoughts On Consumer Arbitration

    Recently Congress voted to disapprove the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s Arbitration Agreements Rule, which would have prohibited agreements to arbitrate in certain consumer financial contracts that bar consumers from participating in class actions. The debate about the Rule was heated. The question at hand was whether it makes sense to allow financial companies to bar……