Case of the Day: Manchester v. Sivantos
The case of the day is Manchester v. Sivantos GmbH (C.D. Cal. 2018). Deborah Manchester sued Sivantos, a German company, alleging a misappropriation of her trade secrets, which related to hearing aid technology. She served process on Sivantos by serving the documents on Sivantos, Inc., an affiliate, on the theory that Sivantos, Inc. was Sivantos……
Case of the Day: VTB Bank v. Mavlyanov
Update (2/6/18): Marian Dent, a well-informed reader who is based in Russia, has sorted out my confusion on the sanctions issue in the comments below the post. The case of the day is VTB Bank (PJSC) v. Mavlyanov (N.Y. Sup. Ct. 2018). VTB, a Russian bank, sought recognition and enforcement of a $37 million Russian……
Case of the Day: Epic Games v. Mendes
The case of the day is Epic Games v. Mendes (N.D. Cal. 2018). Epic had a copyright claim against Konstantin Vladimirovich Rak, who lived in Russia. It sought leave to serve process on Rak, whose address was known, by email under FRCP 4(f)(3).
Case of the Day: Carmona v. Carmona
The case of the day is Carmona v. Carmona (In re Carmona) (Bankr. S.D. Texas. 2018). Maria Rosales was married to Hector Carmona. In 1991, the wife sold a parcel of land in Guanajuato, Mexico without her husband’s consent. (Mexico is a community property jurisdiction, as are Texas and several other southwestern states once ruled……
Case of the Day: Ragbir v. Sessions
I don’t know much of anything about Ravidath Ragbir. His website says that he was a longtime lawful permanent resident from Trinidad who was convicted of fraud and then, in 2006, ordered removed from the country. For nine years, the government had not deported him, he had lived a law-abiding and fruitful life, and he……