Author: Ted Folkman

  • Case of the Day: Dahman v. Embassy of Qatar

    The case of the day is Dahman v. Embassy of the State of Qatar (D.D.C. 2018). El-Sayed Dahman, an Egyptian national who lived in Virginia, was employed by the Qatari Embassy as its chief accountant. When he turned 65, the Embassy discharged him. There was no question that his age was the reason for the……

  • Authenticating Digital Evidence

    While reading the paper on Sunday I noticed an interesting ad. A company called Surety, LLC had published two base64-encoded  values. What is this? Is it the modern version of a coded “personals” ad from an Alan Furst novel, where it’s some spy’s job to read the ads every day and then to spring into……

  • Case of the Day: R. ex rel. Freedom and Justice Party v. Secretary of State for Foreign & Commonwealth Affairs

    The case of the day is R. ex rel. Freedom & Justice Party v. Secretary of State for Foreign & Commonwealth Affairs, [2018] EWCACiv 1719. I can’t do any better than the court did in stating the facts: The appellants are former members of the Egyptian government. Egypt has neither signed nor ratified the [UN……

  • Case of the Day: Asiacell Communications v. Doe

    The case of the day is Asiacell Communications PJSC v. Doe (N.D. Cal. 2018). Asiacell alleged that unknown defendants had put up its purloined trade secrets and customer information for sale on a website, At first, Asiacell negotiated with the website operators via email, but the website operators’ email accounts began refusing to accept……

  • The Jewish Nation State Bill Passes

    The Knesset has passed the Jewish nation state bill after long debate. I wrote about an earlier iteration of the bill in 2014, and I am re-upping my post in light of the news. My basic view is the same as it was then: in light of the practices of neighboring states, there seems to……