Kuwait Airlines Case: Airline Settles Discrimination Case In London
I’ve written several times about the Kuwait Airlines case, which over time has sprouted several cases. In the US case, the airline, citing Kuwaiti law (which forbids it to do business with Israelis), refused to carry an Israeli passenger from New York to London. The dispute was crystallized as an administrative dispute—the Department of Transportation……
Case of the Day: Bluebell Business v. Jones
The case of the day is Bluebell Business Ltd. v. Jones (D. Md. 2018). Bluebell had a written agreement to lease a Gulfstream model G-IV aircraft to IBX Jets, LLC. According to Bluebell, Michael Jones was a principal of IBX and guarantor of IBX’s obligations under the contract. Bluebell alleged that Jones failed to pay……
Case of the Day: Holmes v. Grant County Sheriff’s Department
The case of the day is Holmes v. Grant County Sheriff’s Department (D.N.M. 2018). The plaintiff was Denise-Bradford:Holmes. When you see someone write his or her name this way, with the odd punctuation, watch out—odds are the person is part of the so-called “sovereign citizen” movement, a group of confused people with outlandish legal ideas……
Political Speculation of the Day: Ecuador, Chevron, Assange, and the USTR
Many news reports have recently suggested that the Ecuadoran government is on the verge of expelling Julian Assange from its embassy in London. Back in 2012, there was a suggestion that Ecuador’s preferential trading relationship with the US might be put at risk on account of the Assange affair. I am unaware of any direct……
Case of the Day: Wright v. Old Gringo
The case of the day is Wright v. Old Gringo Inc. (S.D. Cal. 2018). The plaintiff wanted to serve process on the defendant in Mexico and brought a motion to appoint a particular “vendor” as “international process server.” “Plaintiff has diligently explored all service options,” the plaintiff’s motion intoned, “and determined that the only manner……