Author: Ted Folkman

  • Case of the Day: Celgene Corp. v. Gupta

    The case of the day is Celgene Corp. v. Gupta (D.N.J. 2018). Celgene sued Sushil K. Gupta, who resided in New Delhi, for trademark infringement and false designation of origin. Celgene sought a default judgment when Gupta didn’t answer the complaint.

  • John McCain, 1936-2018

    John McCain, 1936-2018

    Letters Blogatory remembers John McCain, who died Saturday. Senator McCain, a real-life war hero and a lifelong public servant, was perhaps the last of his generation of Republican statesmen in the Senate. He was a conservative Republican, but he also spoke often about the importance of putting country above party. He was the most senior……

  • From the Archives

    Here, without comment, is a very interesting document, the Fourth Annual Report of the Commission on International Rules of Judicial Procedure, from the 1960s. I wanted to read it because I’ve got a case where I’m rebutting an argument that an obscure Massachusetts statute that mirrors § 1782 applies only to discovery in aid of sister-state litigation……

  • Case of the Day: Daskin v. Knowles

    The case of the day is Daskin v. Knowles (Del. 2018). The wife was a dual citizen of the US and Greece. She and the husband, a Greek citizen, married in Delaware in 1990 and lived together in Greece until 2015. In 2015, the wife moved back to Delaware permanently due to marital problems. She……

  • “Facts are Created”

    One of Chevron’s gotcha moments in the Crude outtakes is the clip of Steven Donziger speaking with members of his litigation team. “Facts don’t exist,” he said, “facts are created.” I draw a few lessons from this clip. The first, of course, is “Don’t ever travel with a film crew.” The second is a little more serious……