Author: Ted Folkman

  • Case of the Day: Rice v. Electrolux

    The case of the day is Rice v. Electrolux Home Products, Inc. (M.D. Pa. 2018). The case is a putative class action alleging product defects in a microwave oven. The opinion is, I’m sorry to say, a real stinker. The plaintiffs had to serve process on Microwave And Electrical Appliances Manufacturing Company, Ltd., a Chinese……

  • Lago Agrio: Amazonia Contempt Claim Denied As Moot

    Lago Agrio: Amazonia Contempt Claim Denied As Moot

    Last month I wrote about “The Mystery of Amazonia.” As part of the New York judgment against him, Steven Donziger was supposed to convey his interest in Amazonia Recovery Ltd., the Gibraltar firm set up to receive the proceeds of the Lago Agrio judgment, to Chevron. After much Sturm und Drang, Donziger executed the required……

  • Case of the Day: Steinbach v. Sachs

    Case of the Day: Steinbach v. Sachs

    The case of the day is Steinbach v. Sachs (Jerusalem Mag. Ct. 2018). I only have a news article about the decision, and so I’m not sure if I’ve styled the case correctly or even about all the details of the decision. But it’s an interesting case worth writing about even without all the details.

  • Case of the Day: Wei Su v. Sotheby’s

    Case of the Day: Wei Su v. Sotheby’s

    The case of the day is Wei Su v. Sotheby’s, Inc. (S.D.N.Y. 2018). Wei claimed that he owned the Zhou Zha Hu, a ritual wine vessel dated to the 9th or 10th century BCE. His agent, Hai Juan Wang, entered into a consignment agreement with Sotheby’s, the auction house. But before the piece could be……

  • Case of the Day: Societe Hellin v. Valley Commercial Capital

    The case of the day is Societe Hellin S.A. v. Valley Commercial Capital LLC (Fla. Ct. App. 2018). Valley sued Societe Hellin Francisco Morillo, alleging that they had defaulted on an airplane lease and a guaranty. The lease gave a Venezuelan address for both defendants. Valley said it had made unspecified attempts to serve process……