Author: Ted Folkman

  • Case of the Day: Franchise Tax Board of California v. Hyatt

    Case of the Day: Franchise Tax Board of California v. Hyatt

    The case of the day is Franchise Tax Board of California v. Hyatt (S. Ct. 2019). I think you might be interested even though it is a purely domestic case. Gilbert Hyatt, an inventor who earned royalties from a patent on one of his inventions, moved from California to Nevada in 1991. California imposes an……

  • ALI Annual Meeting

    Readers, I will be in Washington for my first ALI annual meeting. For those abroad, the ALI is an independent body that publishes material meant to clarify and modernize the law. The Restatements of the Law, for example, are promulgated by the ALI.

  • Case of the Day: McDonnel Group v. Great Lakes Insurance

    The case of the day is McDonnel Group, LLC v. Great Lakes Insurance SE, UK Branch (5th Cir. 2019). McDonnel purchased a builder’s risk policy from a group of insurers. When the insurers denied a claim, McDonnel sued. The insurers argued that the case had to be arbitrated, because the insurance policy contained an agreement……

  • Case of the Day: Maalouf v. Iran

    The case of the day is Maalouf v. Iran (D.C. Cir. 2019). The cases arose out of the 1983 and 1984 bombings of US diplomatic missions in Beirut by Hizbullah and the 1998 bombings of the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania by Al Qaeda. The Iranian government has been linked to all of the……

  • Elephant Habeas: Happy’s Case Is Bound for the Bronx

    Elephant Habeas: Happy’s Case Is Bound for the Bronx

    Springtime in the Bronx! The spring is sprung, / the grass is riz, / I wunna wheah the boidies is? The lawyers who purport to represent Happy the Elephant on a petition for a writ of habeas corpus have failed in their quest to have the case heard in remote Orleans County rather than in……