Author: Ted Folkman

  • Case of the Day: Stemcor USA v. Cia Siderurgica

    The case of the day is Stemcor USA Inc. v. Cia Siderurgica do Para Cosipar (5th Cir. 2019). Daewoo International had a contract with AMT for the purchase of pig iron to be delivered in New Orleans. Thyssenkrupp Mannex GmbH also had a contract with AMT for the purchase of pig iron. AMT failed to……

  • Case of the Day: Ryan v. ICE

    The case of the day is Ryan v. US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (D. Mass. 2019). The case involves a major political issue right now in Massachusetts—the practice of federal immigration officials in arresting people in federal or Massachusetts courthouses and holding them pending removal, or removal proceedings. We are not talking about criminal arrests,……

  • America’s Pastime

    America’s Pastime

    Our English friends got a taste of America this weekend when the greatest rivalry in sports came to London. You might have been forgiven for wondering whether the teams were playing American football rather than baseball, since the two teams combined for thirty runs over the weekend, but the score aside, I hear the organizers……

  • Belfast Project: UK Supreme Court to Hear McIntyre’s Appeal

    Belfast Project: UK Supreme Court to Hear McIntyre’s Appeal

    The UK Supreme Court has agreed to hear the appeal of Anthony McIntyre, the former IRA member and principal researcher for the Belfast Project, the oral history project gone wrong that I covered extensively over several years. I’m not going to review the history of the case here. I’ll just say that after the UK……

  • Historical Tidbit of the Day: Ostracism

    Historical Tidbit of the Day: Ostracism

    In ancient Athens, the citizens would vote from time to time to exile particular citizens from the city for ten years. We know about the practice from Aristotle’s Constitution of Athens, from Plutarch, and no doubt from other authors. The idea was that each year the citizens were asked whether they wanted to exile someone.……