Tag: UK

  • Case of the Day: In re Kleimar N.V.

    The case of the day is In re Application of Kleimar N.V. (S.D.N.Y. 2016). Kleimar was engaged in an arbitration against Dalian Dongzhan Group Co. before the London Maritime Arbitration Association. Kleimer brought a § 1782 application seeking leave to take discovery from Vale S.A., a non-party, for use in the arbitration. The issue was……

  • Case of the Day: Miller v. Secretary of State

    In my July 4 post on Brexit, I wrote: … to put the EU question directly to the voters flies in the face of what I thought I knew about the UK constitution, particularly the idea of Parliamentary sovereignty. Some of the legal reaction to Brexit seems to bear this out. Assuming for the moment……

  • Case of the Day: Selmani v. Glaxo Smith Kline

    The case of the day is Selmani v. Glaxo Smith Kline (D.N.J. 2016). Alexandre Selmani sued Liam Kennedy and others, alleging he was fired in retaliation for whistleblowing. Kennedy, who lived in the UK, was served with process by a process server working on behalf of a solicitor. Kennedy moved to dismiss for insufficient service……

  • Case of the Day: Knaggs v. Yahoo!

    The case of the day is Knaggs v. Yahoo! Inc. (N.D. Cal. 2016). Do you remember McArthur Wheeler, the bank robber who robbed a bank in broad daylight with no disguise? He was caught immediately after the police broadcast the security footage showing him holding up the bank. When they arrived to arrest him, he……

  • An American View On Brexit

    The most surprising thing about the Brexit vote, to me, was that there was a Brexit vote—that the question was put to a nationwide referendum. Many US states made provisions in their constitutions for referenda and initiative petitions in their constitutions during the Progressive Era. Even my own state, Massachusetts, did it—the only New England……