Tag: UK

  • Belfast Project: First Circuit Denies Government’s Petition for Panel Rehearing

    The Court of Appeals for the First Circuit has denied the government’s petition for a panel rehearing in the Belfast Project case. As I noted in my post on the petition, the government was not seeking to change the outcome of the case. Rather, it objected to the panel’s reasoning to the extent the panel……

  • Hilton Extradition: The Government Responds

    The government has replied to the Hilton habeas corpus petition that I discussed last month. This, recall, is the case of Alexander Hilton, accused of attempted murder in Scotland. In the initial proceedings for certification of extraditability, Hilton made two unsuccessful arguments: first, he cannot be extradited to Scotland because under Scots law he could……

  • Belfast Project: Government Petitions For Panel Rehearing

    The government has filed a petition seeking a rehearing before the panel of the Court of Appeals for the First Circuit that decided the most recent Belfast Project appeal. The government is not asking the panel to modify the actual result of the case, i.e., it is not asking that more of the interviews be……

  • New Extradition Case In Boston

    I’m going to be following a pretty interesting extradition case here in Boston, involving Alexander Hilton, who has been charged with attempted murder in Scotland. The case is interesting to me for a couple of reasons. First, US/UK judicial assistance in criminal cases was a central issue in the Belfast Project case, and so I……

  • Belfast Project: The New First Circuit Decision

    The First Circuit has issued what may well be the last opinion, in the US courts at least, in the Belfast Project case. Readers who would like to get up to speed on the case can find my prior coverage under the “Special Coverage” menu at the top of the screen. The main point in……