Tag: UK

  • Belfast Project: NBC and PSNI Make New Moves

    I’m saving up the remainder of my Hague coverage until Monday. Check back then! NBC News has submitted a request to Judge Young to unseal the tapes and transcripts that BC had submitted to him for inspection in camera. This has, as you MIT imagine, caused some unhappiness on team McIntyre/Moloney. There is an initial……

  • Case of the Day: Bruton v. Texas

    The case of the day is Bruton v. Texas (Tex. Ct. Crim. App. 2014). The defendant, Peter Cain Bruton, was found guilty of aggravated sexual assault of a child and sentenced to imprisonment for life. At his sentencing, the prosecution had sought to introduce documents purporting to be public records from England showing that Bruton……

  • More Belfast Project News: The PSNI Wants To Question Anthony McIntyre

    With apologies to readers who are interested in things other than the Belfast Project, and with a hat-tip to Chris Bray for the pointer, here is a second update in as many days. The Belfast Telegraph is reporting that the PSNI is seeking to question Anthony McIntyre, one of the lead Belfast Project researchers, in……

  • Belfast Project: Criminal Charges Filed In the McConville Murder Case

    Ivor Bell, allegedly a senior member of the Provisional IRA in the 1970s, was arrested last week on charges of aiding and abetting the murder of Jean McConville. For those who have been following the Belfast Project case here for a while, this is interesting for a few reasons.

  • Case of the Day: Barriere v. Cap Juluca

    The case of the day is Barriere v. Cap Juluca Leading Hotels of the World (S.D. Fla. 2014). Cap Juluca is an Anguilla corporation that manages a resort in Anguilla. Barriere, a Texas resident, alleged that she slipped and fell on wet tiles while she was staying at the resort and was seriously injured. She……