Tag: service by mail

  • Case of the Day: Larson v. Yoon

    The case of the day is Larson v. Yoon (Wash. Ct. App. 2015). Keith and Cynthia Larson sued Kyungsik Yoon after an auto collision in King County, Washington. The Larsons lived there; Yoon was a resident of South Korea. The Larsons sued and sought to serve Yoon with process by service on the Washington secretary……

  • Case of the Day: In re Interest of E.H.

    The case of the day is In re Interest of E.H. (Tex. Ct. App. 2014). Sara and Shlomo Hamo were married in Israel in the 1980s. In 1992, Shlomo left the family and moved to the United States—first to South Carolina and then to Texas. In 1993, Sara obtained a child support order in Israel.……

  • Case of the Day: Smith v. Wolf Performance Ammunition

    The case of the day is Smith v. Wolf Performance Ammunition (D. Nev. 2015). Andrew Smith alleged that he was injured when, in 2012, “the firearm and ammunition he was using exploded in his face.” He sued Sporting Supplies International, apparently the merchant from whom he bought the allegedly defective ammunition. SSI impleaded Tula Cartridge……

  • Case of the Day: Wuxi Taihu Tractor Co. v. The York Group, Inc.

    The case of the day is Wuxi Taihu Tractor Co. v. The York Group, Inc. (Tex. App. 2014). York, a Delaware firm that manufactured and sold coffins sued Wuxi, a Chinese firm, for unfair competition and other torts. York served process on Wuxi by service on the Texas Secretary of State, who then mailed the……

  • Case of the Day: McEachern v. Inter-Country Adoption Board of the Philippines

    The case of the day is McEachern v. Inter-Country Adoption Board of the Philippines (D. Mass. 2014). In 2012, Geraldine McEachern traveled to the Philippines to adopt two half-sisters, one ten years old and the other sixteen. The older girl was reluctant to travel to the US to be adopted, but the younger was eager.……