Tag: Recognition and Enforcement

  • Case of the Day: Midbrook Flowerbulbs Holland v. Holland America Bulb Farms

    Case of the Day: Midbrook Flowerbulbs Holland v. Holland America Bulb Farms

    The case of the day is Midbrook Flowerbulbs Holland B.V. v. Holland America Bulb Farms, Inc. (9th Cir. 2017). Holland America, a Washington corporation, had a business relationship with Midbrook, a Dutch company, under which Holland America purchased flower bulbs from Midbrook. A dispute arose. Midbrook claimed Holland America had failed to pay an invoice;……

  • Lago Agrio: Argentine Court Refuses to Enforce Ecuadoran Judgment

    A first-instance court in Argentina has decided to refuse enforcement of the Ecuadoran judgment against Chevron. The decision is not, as far as I know, yet available in English. Chevron has, though, published a translation of a key phrase: Chevron has no assets in Argentina and is not domiciled there, which “seals the fate of……

  • Case of the Day: Qiu v. Zhang

    The case of the day is Qiu v. Zhang (C.D. Cal. 2017). In 2013, Qinrong Qiu lent 21 million RMB to Hongying Zhang and his wife, Xinghua Yu, in China. Zhang and Yu defaulted, and Qiu sued them in the Suzhou Industrial Park People’s Court. That court entered judgment for Qiu in 2016, and the……

  • Lago Agrio: Brazilian Reporting Judge Denies Recognition of Ecuadoran Judgment

    Lago Agrio: Brazilian Reporting Judge Denies Recognition of Ecuadoran Judgment

    Details are spotty, but I can report that Justice Luis Felipe Salomão of Brazil’s Superior Court of Justice, has issued an oral opinion refusing to recognize the Lago Agrio plaintiffs’ Ecuadoran judgment. The only information I have about the opinion so far comes from Chevron. Apparently Judge Salomão noted a lack of jurisdiction and also……

  • Case of the Day: Desiano v. Envision Foods

    The case of the day is Desiano v. Envision Foods, Inc. (Mass. Super. Ct. 2017). I love this one. Ralph Desiano had a Florida money judgment for nearly $200,000 against Envision. Desiano’s case against Envision had nothing to do with Massachusetts, and Envision was not subject to general personal jurisdiction here, either. But Envision was……