Tag: Recognition and Enforcement

  • Case of the Day: In re Vitro

    The case of the day is In re Vitro S.A.B. de C.V. (Bankr. N.D. Tex. 2012). Vitro, a Mexican glass manufacturer, was in reorganization proceedings in Nuevo León, Mexico under the Ley de Concursos Mercantiles. In 2011, Vitro began a Chapter 15 bankruptcy proceeding in the Northern District of Texas and sought to enjoin lawsuits……

  • Guest Post: Comments on the Lago Agrio Plaintiffs Enforcement Action in Canada

    I asked esteemed fellow blogger Antonin I. Pribetic to help me and Letters Blogatory readers get a grip on the Canadian law that will be at issue in the new Ontario case, and I’m delighted he’s agreed. Antonin is a trial and appellate lawyer practicing in Toronto with a focus on international litigation and arbitration.……

  • Reply to Doug Cassel

    Many thanks to Doug Cassel for his comments on some of the views I’ve expressed in the symposium. I’d like to respond to his three points in order. Case-Specific Exceptions I have argued that it doesn’t make much sense to have case-specific exceptions to the ordinary rules of recognition and enforcement of the foreign judgment.……

  • Response to Ted Folkman

    In his various comments on the symposium contributions, our host Ted Folkman makes three points to which I respond here. Case-Specific Exceptions Generally First, Ted questions whether case-specific grounds for non-enforcement of foreign judgments are needed, so long as the systemic inadequacy of a foreign judicial system is a ground for non-enforcement. If the foreign……

  • Cert. Watch: Naranjo

    I’m sorry I let this one slip through the cracks: Chevron, which had sought and received an extension of time to file a petition for a writ of certiorari in the Naranjo case, filed its petition on May 25. The petition focuses on the point I made in my 1/26/12 post: as a general matter,……