Tag: Recognition and Enforcement

  • Lago Agrio: The Wheels of Government Turn Slowly

    Here is one for the cautionary tale files. On Sept. 18, I published a post noting that Chevron had not filed an opposition to the renewal of Ecuador’s trade preferences and wondering why that might be. I hedged my bets by noting that “it’s possible [ellipsis] that Chevron has submitted a petition that simply hasn’t……

  • The Motions to Dismiss in Yaiguaje

    As promised, I have dragooned Letters Blogatory’s Canadian correspondent, Antonin Pribetić, into posting a quick comment on the recent developments in the Yaiguaje case. Thanks, Antonin! Stay tuned tomorrow for a first look at Donziger’s new proposed counterclaims in the RICO case. The affidavits filed by the Chevron defendants each address the issues of inter-corporate……

  • Chevron Moves to Dismiss in Yaiguaje

    Chevron and the two Chevron affiliates also named as defendant in the Canadian action for recognition and enforcement of the Lago Agrio judgment, Chevron Canada Ltd. and Chevron Canada Finance Ltd., have moved to dismiss the case. Here are the papers: Chevron: Notice of Motion; Affidavit of Frank G. Soler Chevron Canada Finance Ltd: Notice……

  • Deadline Comes and Goes in the Lago Agrio Case

    On July 30, the Ecuadoran court entered an order in the Lago Agrio case. There is no translation available yet, but according to a website affiliated with the plaintiffs, ChevronToxico, the order imposed an August 6 deadline on Chevron to deposit funds necessary to remediate the oil contamination for which the Ecuadoran court found Chevron……

  • Update on the Lago Agrio Case In Brazil: Free Access to Justice

    Letters Blogatory’s correspondent in Brazil, Felipe Vollbrecht, has reported a minor development in the Lago Agrio plaintiffs’ action for homologation in Brazil. According to Felipe, the Superior Tribunal de Justiça has granted the plaintiffs’ request for free access to justice. Brazil does not follow the American Rule on attorney’s fees, so in general, the loser……