Tag: Recognition and Enforcement

  • Argentina Takes the Liberdad Case to the ITLOS

    As I briefly noted a few weeks ago, a Ghanaian court, on the motion of NML Capital, arrested an Argentine naval vessel, the ARA Liberdad, while it was in port. NML, of course, is one of Argentina’s creditors on its sovereign debt. A coup for NML and its lawyers, and highly embarrassing for Argentina. I……

  • Case of the Day: United States v. Barry Fischer Law Firm

    The Case of the Day is United States v. Barry Fischer Law Firm, LLC (S.D.N.Y. 2012). Turist-Cambio Viagens Turismo LTDA was a Brazilian currency exchange company. Kesten Development corp., a British Virgin Islands corporation, was its subsidiary. In the 1990s, three of the companies’ principals, Antonio Pires de Almeida, Ruriko Inoue, and Roseli Ciolfi, were……

  • Lago Agrio: Argentine Court Freezes Chevron Assets

    According to the Lago Agrio plaintiffs, a judge of the Commercial Court of Justice in Buenos Aires has issued an order freezing most of Chevron’s assets in Argentina pending the outcome of the action for recognition and enforcement of the Ecuadoran judgment. Again according to the plaintiffs, these assets include a stake in a pipeline……

  • Thoughts on “Recognition in a Corrupt World”

    Last Friday’s symposium in Philadelphia was pretty darn interesting, and I had great fun participating and meeting the other panelists. For obvious reasons I didn’t live blog my own panel, “Recognition in a Corrupt World,” and so I wanted to give a very brief report on my contribution to the discussion. My talk harkened back……

  • Breaking: Lago Agrio Plaintiffs to Seek Recognition and Enforcement in Argentina

    Reuters is reporting that the Lago Agrio plaintiffs plan to seek recognition and enforcement of their Ecuadoran judgment in an Argentine court. No details as yet—stay tuned! This new action, if it is filed, raises the possibility of Letters Blogatory worlds colliding: I have been covering the Argentina sovereign debt cases as well as the……