Tag: personal jurisdiction

  • Case of the Day: Fuld v. PLO

    The case of the day is Fuld v. PLO (2d Cir. 2024). It’s a denial of a petition for an en banc rehearing in an important personal jurisdiction case, and since the Second Circuit is so stingy with en banc rehearings, the decision isn’t a surprise. There are, though, two interesting opinions, one a concurrence……

  • Case of the Day: Mallory v. Norfolk Southern Railway

    The case of the day is Mallory v. Norfolk Southern Railway Co. (S. Ct. 2023). I love this case. On my very first day of law school, my very first class was civil procedure. The professor was the excellent Martha Minow. She told a story about running into someone down on his luck. He greeted……

  • Case of the Day: Ford v. Montana

    The case of the day is Ford Motor Co. v. Montana Eighth Judicial District Court (S. Ct. 2021). It’s a personal jurisdiction decision that keeps the law from going off the rails but also may be important in its future implications. The case involved a car accident that took place in one US state, the state where……

  • Ingrid Wuerth on Personal Jurisdiction and the Fifth Amendment Due Process Rights of Foreign Sovereigns and State-Owned Enterprises

    Ingrid Wuerth, Professor of law at Vanderbilt Law School and friend of Letters Blogatory (you can follow her at @WuerthIngrid on Twitter), has an important new forthcoming paper on foreign states’ status as “persons” under the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment. I’m very happy that she’s previewing her paper here at Letters Blogatory.……

  • Case of the Day: Nike v. Wu

    The case of the day is Nike, Inc. v. Wu (S.D.N.Y. 2018). Nike and Converse, the shoe companies, brought trademark infringement cases against hundreds of online retailers. These actions resulted in a default judgment for $1.8 billion, which perhaps will not turn out to be worth the paper it was printed on. The companies assigned……