Tag: Mexico

  • Case of the Day: Willhite v. Rodriguez-Cera

    I have a very interesting Hague Service Convention case to report today: Willhite v. Rodriguez-Cera (Colo. 2012). Rex Willhite sued Paulo Rodriguez-Cera, a driver who he alleged rear-ended his car, in the state court in Colorado. Willhite also sued the owner of the car Rodriguez-Cera was driving, Juan Torres. Willhite could not locate Rodriguez-Cera at……

  • Update on the Hague Service Convention In Mexico

    Back in July 2011, I commented on some problems with implementation of the Hague Service Convention in Mexico. The Mexico situation caught others’ attention, too. In November 2011, the Consultoría Jurídica of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in collaboration with the Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference and the Mexican Central Authority, held a workshop……

  • Case of the Day: Barnett v. Miguel

    The case of the day, Barnett v. Miguel (D. Idaho 2011), is another example of the trouble US plaintiffs can have in attempting service of process in Mexico. The plaintiffs, Jerry Ray and Barnett and Richard Getty, sued three Mexican defendants, Alfredo Miguel, Pepe Miguel, and Alfredo Miguel Jr., alleging racketeering under Idaho law. The……

  • Case of the Day: Grupo Radio Centro v. American Merchant Banking Group

    Yesterday’s case of the day, Hughes v. Ashton, was a pleasure to report: clear, and rightly decided to boot. No such luck with today’s case of the day, Grupo Radio Centro v. American Merchant Banking Group (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. 2011). The case involves difficulties in serving process in Mexico under the Hague Service Convention,……

  • Advice from the Trenches on Service of Process in Mexico

    Nelson Tucker, of Process Service Network, commented that there were some new hitches in serving process in Mexico under the Hague Service Convention. Intrigued, I checked out his blog, where he writes that the Mexican Central Authority is now imposing the following requirements: The summons must state that the defendant has 21 calendar days to……