Tag: Lago Agrio

  • Lago Agrio: Second Circuit Expedites Mandamus Petition

    Update: Note that Judge Carney, who granted the motion to expedite, was not on the panel that decided the original Naranjo case. It’s not clear whether this is significant or whether she consulted her colleagues before deciding the motion. This just in … the Second Circuit, on the motion of the Lago Agrio plaintiffs, has……

  • Lago Agrio: Zambrano Strikes Back

    Friday’s post was ill-timed. I wrote about the Lago Agrio plaintiffs’ responses to the Guerra Declaration, little knowing that on April 4 the Lago Agrio plaintiffs had filed what I have long been hoping they would file: a declaration from Judge Nicolás Zambrano Lozada, the target of Guerra’s main accusations of judicial corruption. Here are……

  • Lago Agrio: The Response to Guerra

    Do you remember the blockbuster Guerra declaration? This was the extraordinary statement by one of the Ecuadoran judges involved in the Lago Agrio case detailing Chevron’s story of corruption. I covered it in detail in my Maestro Mastro post and in a few follow-ups. While the Lago Agrio plaintiffs’ and Donziger’s response didn’t generate as……

  • Lago Agrio: Who are John Doe 1 and 2?

    Judge Kaplan issued a juicy order recently granting Chevron’s motion for a protective order. At issue: two declarations by “John Doe” witnesses that Chevron filed under seal, which are available only to the judge and to counsel of record for both sides. The purpose of the declarations is to corroborate the Guerra Declaration, which I……

  • Lago Agrio: Judge Kaplan Orders Patton Boggs To Produce Documents

    Judge Kaplan has issued a significant decision in the RICO case against Steven Donziger and the Lago Agrio plaintiffs. The decision orders the Ecuadorans’ US law firm, Patton Boggs, to produce documents in response to a subpoena, subject to privilege claims much narrower than the claims Patton Boggs argued it was entitled to make. The……