Tag: Lago Agrio

  • Lago Agrio: Judge Kaplan Denies Key Parts of Chevron’s Motion for Partial Summary Judgment

    Trial in Chevron’s RICO claim against Steven Donziger and the Lago Agrio plaintiffs is fast approaching. Chevron, for the third time, has sought a pre-trial decision from Judge Kaplan on the merits of its claim that there is no dispute but that the Cabrera report was part of a scheme by the defendants to commit……

  • Paper of the Day: Gómez on The Global Chase: Seeking the Recognition and Enforcement of the Lago Agrio Judgment Outside of Ecuador

    Manuel A. Gómez, professor of law at Florida International University and friend of Letters Blogatory, has posted The Global Chase: Seeking the Recognition and Enforcement of the Lago Agrio Judgment Outside of Ecuador to SSRN. Manuel has been teaching a course that focuses on the Chevron/Ecuador case, so he is a natural for an article……

  • Shaping the Battlefield

    One day the Lago Agrio case will be over, but I am certain this is not the last time foreign plaintiffs will obtain a tort judgment abroad and seek to enforce it against a major US company in the US or elsewhere. (It may be the last time that happens after a forum non conveniens……

  • Lago Agrio: Patton Boggs and Burford Redux

    In June I reported on Patton Boggs’s attempt to show that the Bogart Declaration, which Burford Capital submitted after it turned on Donziger and the LAPs, was—not to put too fine a point on it—a PR hit job intended to smear Patton Boggs, based on outright falsehoods. Unfortunately, Patton Boggs’s brief was heavily redacted. “I……

  • Chevron Opposes the LAPs’ Mandamus Petition

    Chevron has filed its opposition to the Lago Agrio Plaintiffs’ petition for mandamus. There’s a procedural component to the argument: Chevron claims the LAPs have an adequate appellate remedy and that they delayed too long in bringing their petition. But the most interesting part of the brief is the substantive argument about the effect of……