Tag: Lago Agrio

  • The Lago Agrio Partial Award: What Next for Chevron?

    Although Chevron’s representatives refused to confirm it to me, I expect that if the tribunal hearing the investment treaty dispute between Chevron and Ecuador ultimately decides that the Lago Agrio plaintiffs’ claims in the Ecuadoran lawsuit were barred by the release Ecuador gave to Texaco, Chevron will seek to use the ultimate arbitral award as……

  • Lago Agrio: The New Arbitral Award

    Okay, so here’s the deal. Yesterday, the Wall Street Journal reported that the tribunal hearing the investment treaty dispute between Chevron and Ecuador “issued a partial award in favor of Chevron Corp. and found the U.S. oil company isn’t liable for collective environmental damage claims in Ecuador.” Relying on the article, I put up a……

  • Lago Agrio: Arbitral Tribunal Finds Chevron Is Not Liable for the $19 Billion Ecuadoran Judgment

    Update: Here is the award, which friend-of-Letters Blogatory Doug Cassel was good enough to provide. Second Update: Having now read the thing through, it seems to me that the WSJ was a little hasty in its conclusions, and I was a little hasty in relying on the WSJ. I’ll try to have a better look……

  • Lago Agrio: Judge Kaplan Denies Chevron’s Motion to Bifurcate

    On September 8, Chevron purported to waive all claims for money damages against the Lago Agrio Plaintiffs in the impending New York trial. Chevron said it intended to seek only equitable relief from the LAPs. If you’re not an American lawyer, you may wonder why Chevron would do this. The answer is that under the……

  • Lago Agrio: Judge Kaplan Denies Patton Boggs’s Motion to Strike the Bogart Declaration

    Back in April I reported on a declaration by Christopher Bogart, the CEO of the Lago Agrio plaintiffs’ former litigation funder, Burford Capital. As I wrote in a later post, the declaration “basically threw Patton Boggs under the bus by claiming that the law firm had persuaded Burford to invest in the litigation by defending……