Tag: Lago Agrio

  • Lago Agrio: Judge Guerra’s Testimony

    Today Chevron filed the witness statement of Judge Alberto Guerra Bastidas, a star witness if not the star witness of Chevron’s case. Judge Guerra retells the story we have already seen of the ghostwriting, the bribes, and so forth. Guerra retells the story of his ghostwriting relationship with Judge Zambrano, Donziger’s involvement, the payments from……

  • Lago Agrio: Leonard, Lynch, and McMillen—and the John Does

    We have three more Chevron witnesses to report from the ongoing RICO trial: Chevron scientist Sara McMillen, linguistics professor Robert A. Leonard, Ph.D., and digital forensics guy Spencer Lynch. Leonard & Lynch We can deal with Leonard and Lynch very shortly. Leonard’s opinion, based on his linguistic analysis, is that the Ecuadoran judgment was cut……

  • Lago Agrio: What Goes Around Comes Around

    Although all eyes are on the RICO case in Judge Kaplan’s court, other bits and pieces of the Lago Agrio case are proceeding in courts and arbitral tribunals around the world. One particularly interesting piece of the case is the case of the Huaorani people against Steven Donziger, which I’ve covered before. Very briefly: in……

  • Lago Agrio: Day 2

    Readers, I trust you understand that my coverage of the trial is incomplete. Because I only have access to the witness statements (i.e., to what would be the testimony of Chevron’s witnesses on direct examination) and not to the cross-examination, I am only able to report on half of the goings-on. I’m looking into ways……

  • Lago Agrio: Day 1

    The Lago Agrio RICO trial got under way today in New York. Reuters has a pretty good summary. To the defendants’ dismay, Judge Kaplan is using a procedure that is not uncommon these days in bench trials: parties offer the direct testimony of their witnesses in affidavits, and the witnesses are then subject to live……