Tag: Lago Agrio

  • Lago Agrio: Deepak Gupta In The House

    If you spend your days reading and writing memoranda of law, you know a good one when you see it. And so when I read Steven Donziger’s latest brief in the RICO case last week, my first thought was that his lawyers had finally found their groove. But then I looked at the cover and……

  • Lago Agrio: Ontario Case Stayed Pending Appeal To The Supreme Court of Canada

    In a somewhat surprising development, Justice MacPherson, who wrote the Ontario Court of Appeals’s decision in Yaiguaje v. Chevron, has stayed that decision pending the outcome of Chevron’s application to the Supreme Court of Canada. The decision was surprising—to me, at least, though I welcome the view of Canadian lawyers—because of the tenuousness of Chevron’s……

  • Was the Lago Agrio Judgment Ghostwritten?

    Chevron advocate and friend-of-Letters-Blogatory Doug Cassel is back with his take on the judgment ghostwriting issue. I’ll respond to some of his points in the comments. In a January 7 post Ted Folkman makes an ambitious—albeit “tentative”—effort to assess the voluminous evidence of fraud committed by Steven Donziger and certain other plaintiffs’ attorneys in the……

  • Lago Agrio: What About The Ghostwriting?

    It’s important to distinguish between three kinds of wrongdoing Chevron alleges in the Lago Agrio case. First is the ghostwriting of the Cabrera report and the concealment of the communications and ties between the supposedly independent Cabrera and Donziger and his team. Second is the supposed bribe of the judge in the first instance court.……

  • Case of the Day: Republic of Ecuador v. Hinchee

    The case of the day is Republic of Ecuador v. Hinchee (11th Cir. 2013). I covered the case in the district court back in December 2012. You may want to read this post in conjunction with my post on Ecuador v. Bjorkman, a similar case in the Tenth Circuit. As in Bjorkman, the main question……