Tag: Lago Agrio

  • Case of the Day: Republic of Ecuador v. Chevron Corp.

    The case of the day is Republic of Ecuador v. Chevron Corp. (Hoge Raad 2014). The Dutch Supreme Court affirmed the BIT arbitral award against Ecuador, which arose out of Chevron’s claim that it had suffered damages on account of undue delay in the settlement of lawsuits TexPet (of which Chevron was a shareholder) had……

  • Book Review: Michael Goldhaber’s Crude Awakening: Chevron In Ecuador

    I don’t know whether the timing of Michael Goldhaber’s new e-book, Crude Awakening, which came out shortly before Paul Barrett’s Law of the Jungle, was mere coincidence, but it is fair to say that for Steven Donziger, September is the cruelest month. Folks who have not been following the twists and turns of the Chevron/Ecuador……

  • Book Review: Paul Barrett’s Law of the Jungle

    As I was reading Paul M. Barrett’s new book, Law of the Jungle I was kicking myself. There’s obviously a market for popular treatments of the Chevron/Ecuador case. Barrett’s book is not the only one: Michael Goldhaber’s Crude Awakening has just been published, too (here’s my review). I coulda been a contender! When we spoke,……

  • Letters Blogatory Mentioned In Rolling Stone

    Alexander Zaitchik has published an article on the Chevron case in Rolling Stone. Actually, the article doesn’t mention Letters Blogatory, but it does reference a FOIA document I have written about here.

  • Lago Agrio: My Visit to Aguarico 4

    Since returning from Ecuador, I’ve had two jobs: digging out from the pile of emails and papers that taking a week off from work generated, and doing my best Woodward and Bernstein imitation. I’ve tried to gather some more information about the sites we saw before writing about them. I’ve spent a fair amount of……