Tag: Lago Agrio

  • Lago Agrio: My Prediction

    Readers, only one of you was foolhardy brave enough to take a guess about the outcome of the Second Circuit RICO appeal. That’s okay. Here for what it is worth is my prediction. Before giving it, a word of explanation is in order. I am not using any particular methodology, and I am not going……

  • Lago Agrio: What’s Your Prediction?

    The Lago Agrio plaintiffs filed their reply brief a few days ago. The brief, by Burt Neuborne, is very well done, as expected. I am not going to review it in detail. One interesting note: Neuborne cites Paul Barrett to make a point that I’ve made here before: whatever the quality of the Ecuadoran courts……

  • Lago Agrio: Another Unfounded Accusation Of Impropriety

    I’m sorry to have to report that advocates for the Lago Agrio plaintiffs or Steven Donziger have again issued a press release making false accusations of impropriety. This time, the target is Judge Kaplan, and the claim is that he failed to disclose a financial interest in Chevron:

  • Lago Agrio: Doug Cassel on the ICC Complaint

    Chevron advocate Doug Cassel gives his thoughts on the Lago Agrio plaintiffs’ new complaint to the ICC prosecutor. Doug’s piece is pretty strident. In fact, he seems to take the complaint so seriously that I wonder whether a post like this really gets what the plaintiffs are trying to do. Maybe the ICC complaint should……

  • Lago Agrio: Updates in the Second Circuit and the ICC

    The Second Circuit has denied the motion of Steven Donziger and the Lago Agrio plaintiffs to have the appeal of Judge Kaplan’s judgment in the RICO case assigned to the same panel of judges who decided the Naranjo case. I covered the motion a couple of weeks ago. The LAPs have opened a new front……