Tag: Lago Agrio

  • Lago Agrio: the Second Circuit Transcript in Chevron v. Donziger

    In his latest piece on the Second Circuit oral argument in Chevron v. Donziger, esteemed fellow Chevronologist Michael Goldhaber has provided a link to the PDF of the transcript, which I am offering here without comment. A note for readers: I have a very busy stretch ahead, and so I will be working on a……

  • Lago Agrio: Oral Argument At The Second Circuit (And A Special Letters Blogatory Backgrounder)

    Yesterday was a big day in the Lago Agrio case: oral argument in the Second Circuit. I was there, along with several other Chevronologists, partisans on both sides, and curious members of the public. One young lawyer I met had traveled from Chicago—by train!—just for the event. Happily, the judges didn’t disappoint. There was more……

  • Lago Agrio: More Sharon Stone Madness

    Readers, remember where we were in the Sharon Stone case? MCSquared had sued Stone and American Program Bureau for damages arising out of the cancellation of Stone’s speaking engagement in Ecuador. Stone and APB have pointed out that the contracts had arbitration agreements and asked for dismissal. MCSquared claimed, without an affidavit, that the signature……

  • Lago Agrio: Amazon Watch Posts Chevron “Outtakes”

    Yesterday Amazon Watch, an environmental group that has recently been in Chevron’s crosshairs, published a six-minute video showing one of the pre-inspection site visits that Chevron personnel conducted.

  • Lago Agrio: ICC Prosecutor Rejects LAPs’ Complaint

    In October 2014 I noted a complaint the LAPs submitted to the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court asking her to begin an investigation with an eye toward bringing charges against Chevron. As I noted at the time, “It would be very surprising to me if the LAPs’ claims have merit.”