Tag: Lago Agrio

  • Lago Agrio: One Last Post On The DC Circuit Decision

    A final update on the recent DC Circuit decision: the Donziger camp has confirmed to me that the Ecuadoran court order, mentioned in my second post on the case, is still in effect. Thus Ecuadoran law apparently requires the Ecuadoran government to pay the award to the Lago Agrio plaintiffs rather than to Chevron. However,……

  • Lago Agrio: More on the DC Circuit’s Decision

    Readers, I forgot to mention an important point in my recent post on the DC Circuit’s decision affirming confirmation of Chevron’s $96 million award against Ecuador.

  • Case of the Day: Chevron v. Ecuador

    The case of the day is Chevron Corp. v. Republic of Ecuador (D.C. Cir. 2015). Today’s decision doesn’t relate to the main Lago Agrio case or the BIT arbitration related to the Lago Agrio case. It relates instead to another BIT arbitration in which Chevron claimed it had suffered damages on account of undue delay……

  • Lago Agrio: Kimerling’s Case Dismissed

    A New York court has affirmed a decision dismissing a lawsuit Judith Kimerling brought on behalf of the Huaorani people on forum non conveniens grounds.

  • Lago Agrio: New Ted Olson Brief, And The Sharon Stone Case

    Chevron’s lawyer, Ted Olson, has now responded to the appellants’ post-argument briefing with a very good letter brief of his own. The brief makes what I think is an appealing point about the BIT arbitration. Donziger now points to the BIT arbitration and the risk that it will yield an inconsistent finding of fact, particularly……