Tag: Lago Agrio

  • Lago Agrio: Chevron’s Take On Guerra in the Second Circuit

    Chevron has filed its opposition to Steven Donziger’s motion asking the court to take judicial notice of Judge Guerra’s testimony in the BIT arbitration.

  • Lago Agrio: The Guerra Testimony in the Second Circuit

    As predicted, Steven Donziger has brought the recently disclosed Guerra testimony to the Second Circuit’s attention. He did so by way of a motion asking the court to take judicial notice of the testimony. What does that mean? Donziger is not asking the court to make any findings about the truth of falseness of Guerra’s……

  • Lago Agrio: Guerra Unravels?

    The transcripts of the Track 2 hearings in the Lago Agrio BIT arbitration have now been made public. In this post I want to focus on the proceedings of April 23 and 24, namely, the cross-examination of Alberto Guerra Bastidas. Guerra, recall, was one of Chevron’s key witnesses—maybe the key witness if you had to……

  • Lago Agrio Update: The Tribunal’s Site Visit and Motions for Summary Judgment

    I do not have an update for you on the BIT Tribunal’s visits to several sites in the Oriente, which I briefly covered on October 19. The reason I don’t have an update is the same reason, more or less, I copped out on the Louis Berger Group report. On the one hand, it seems……

  • Lago Agrio: The Tribunal Makes A Site Visit

    The tribunal hearing the BIT dispute between Ecuador and Chevron has made site visits to three sites in the Ecuadoran Amazon. The tribunal, along with the lawyers and experts for both sides, visited the Aguarico 6, Lago Agrio 2, and Shushufindi 34 sites. You can follow the links to read copies of the transcript of……