Tag: Jordan

  • Case of the Day: Moriarty v. Jordan

    The case of the day is Moriarty v. Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (D.D.C. 2024). In 2016, a Jordanian soldier, Ma’arek Al-Tawayha, known as Abu Tayeh, shot and killed three American soldiers stationed at Jordan’s King Faisal Airbase. Abu Tayeh was convicted of manslaughter and military offenses in Jordan and is serving a life sentence there.……

  • Case of the Day: Khatib v. Murrar

    The case of the day is Khatib v. Murrar (Ill. App. Ct. 2012). Lami Khatib and Najat Murrar were married in Jordan in 2000. At the time of the marriage, Khatib paid Murrar’s father a dowry of one golden dinar, and under the marriage contract there was also a deferred dowry of JOD 5,000. Khatib……

  • Case to Watch: Linde v. Arab Bank

    H/T to Alison Frankel for the pointer to the oral arguments in Linde v. Arab Bank plc, which was heard in the Second Circuit earlier this week. The case is timely in light of the recent ABA resolution on Aérospatiale and foreign data protection laws. The claim in the case is the the Arab Bank,……