• Case to Watch: Kedem v. UNRWA

    Israeli victims of the October 7 massacre, and the estates of victims who were killed, have brought a lawsuit against UNRWA and some of its officials in New York, accusing them of aiding and abetting Hamas in committing violations of international law, in violating the Torture Victim Protection Act, and in committing common law torts.……

  • Case of the Day: Francisco S. v. Aetna

    The case of the day is Francisco S. v. Aetna Life Insurance Co. (D. Utah 2020). Francisco S. was an employee of the World Bank. The Bank provided him with health benefits under a self-funded employee benefits plan. Aetna was the third-party administrator. Aetna denied a claim submitted for Francisco’s daughter, and Francisco sued Aetna……

  • Case of the Day: Jam v. International Finance Corp.

    The case of the day is Jam v. International Finance Corp. (S. Ct. 2019). I wrote about the lower court decision back in June 2017. The claim was that the IFC, an international organization headquartered in Washington, had made loans to an Indian power company for construction of a coal-fired power plant in Gujarat, but……

  • Case to Watch: Jam v. International Finance Corp.

    The Supreme Court heard argument yesterday in Jam v. International Finance Corp. I wrote about the case last year. The issue in the case is simple. Under DC Circuit precedent construing the International Organizations Immunities Act, international organizations have immunity from suit to the same extent that foreign sovereigns had it in 1945, at the……

  • Jared Hubbard on the Texas Loophole

    I’m happy to welcome new commenter Jared Hubbard to Letters Blogatory! Jared has a practice in Newburyport, and before that was most recently an associate with White & Case. He knows whereof he writes, because he’s admitted to practice in Texas, and he was counsel to OPEC in the Freedom Watch case, which I’ve covered……