Tag: Hague Service Convention

  • Case of the Day: Voltage Pictures v. Gussi

    The case of the day is Voltage Pictures, LLC v. Gussi, S.A. de C.V. (C.D. Cal. 2022). Voltage is a film production and distribution company in Los Angeles. Gussi was a Mexican company. The parties had a contract for the distribution of the film “Ava” in Latin America. There was a dispute that resulted in……

  • Case of the Day: LS Energia v. Corporation Electrica Nacional

    The case of the day is LS Energia Inc. v. Electrica Nacional S.A. (S. D. Fla. 2023). LS Energia, a Florida company, and its Panamanian affiliate brought an action against Venezuela and its state-owned oil and electric companies. The plaintiffs had begun by seeking to serve all three defendants by diplomatic channels under 28 U.S.C.……

  • Second Circuit To Rule On Service By Email In China (Maybe)

    The Second Circuit is poised to decide Smart Study Co. v. Acuteye-US, a case in which a district judge correctly held that the Hague Service Convention does not permit service by email in cases where it applies, at least where the state of destination has objected to service by alternate means under Article 10. I……

  • Case of the Day: Vega v. Hästens Beds

    The case of the day is Vega v. Hästens Beds, Inc. (S.D.N.Y. 2022). Vega brought employment discrimination claims against Hästens Ltd. and others. He had trouble serving Hästens at its address in Malta via the central authority mechanism of the Service Convention, and so he moved for leave to serve process on Hästens’ US lawyer.……

  • Case of the Day: Seagate Technology v. Goel

    The case of the day is Seagate Technology, LLC v. Goel (Cal. App. Ct. 2022). The case is a followup to Rockefeller v. Changzhou Sinotype, 460 P.3d 764 (Cal.), cert. denied, 141 S. Ct. 374 (2020). Rockefeller, you’ll recall, was the case where the California Supreme Court held that parties could contract around a foreign……