Tag: Hague Service Convention

  • Case of the Day: Mitchison v. Zerona International

    Letters Blogatory contributor Alejandro Manevich comments on a recent Ontario decision construing the Hague Service Convention to forbid a plaintiff himself to deliver a summons to a defendant in a country that has not objected to service under Article 10(c), even if the plaintiff is a competent person to serve process under the law of……

  • Case of the Day: Calista Enterprises v. Tenza Trading

    The case of the day is Calista Enterprises, Ltd. v. Tenza Trading, Ltd. (D. Or. 2014). Calista, a Seychelles company, sued Tenza Trading, a Cyprus company, and Tenza brought a counterclaim against Calista and Alexander Zhukov, who it alleged was Calista’s alter ego. Zhukov resided in the Czech Republic, but he had an address in……

  • Case of the Day: Title Trading Services v. Kundu

    The case of the day is Title Trading Services USA, Inc. v. Kundu (W.D.N.C. 2014). The claim was for misappropriation of intellectual property. The defendant, Arindam Kundu, who resided in India, moved to dismiss for insufficient service of process, and the plaintiff, Title Trading Services USA, moved for leave to serve Kundu via email and……

  • Case of the Day: Puigbo v. Medex Trading

    The case of the day is Puigbo v. Medex Trading, LLC (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. 2014). Medex sued Juan Andres Puigbo for fraud. Puigbo was in Venezuela. Medex transmitted the document to the Venezuelan central authority, which, after attempting personal service, served the documents on Puigbo by publication, as provided in Article 223 of the……

  • Case of the Day: Soffin v. eChannel Network

    The case of the day is Soffin v. eChannel Network, Inc. (S.D. Fla. 2014). iSocial Media LLC sued eChannel, an Ontario corporation with offices in Toronto, for trademark infringement. I suppose in whatever business the companies operate, capitalizing the second letter of their names is considered edgy. eChannel’s principals were two brothers, Dragos Daniel Dumitra……