Tag: Hague Service Convention

  • Case of the Day: SPM Thermo-Shield v. SICC GmbH

    The case of the day is SPM Thermo-Shield, Inc. v. SICC GmbH (M.D. Fla. 2016). The facts of the case were not reported. SPM tried to effect service on SICC, a German firm, and one of its principals, Waldemar Walczok, by personal service on Walczok when he was in Florida. A judge quashed that service……

  • Case of the Day: Mutual Benefits Offshore Fund v. Zeltser

    The case of the day is Mutual Benefits Offshore Fund v. Zeltser (N.Y. App. Div. 2016). Eagle-eyed reader Ira Matetsky of Ganfer & Shore in New York sent it along. The facts of the case were not reported. The holding: the First Department of the Appellate Division, which hears cases from Manhattan, reversed its earlier……

  • Case of the Day: Kim v. Lakeside Adult Family Home

    The case of the day is Kim v. Lakeside Adult Family Home (Wash. 2016). This is the appeal of the case of the day from February 20, 2015. Here was my summary of the facts from the prior post: Ho Im Bae was an inpatient resident of the Lakeside Adult Family Home, a nursing home.……

  • Case of the Day: Gregor v. Otuorimuo

    The case of the day is Gregor v. Otuorimuo (Conn. Super. Ct. 2016). The case was a divorce case. husband and the wife were married in Connecticut in 2011. The husband sued for a divorce, asserting that there had been an irretrievable breakdown in the marriage. The wife was living in Nigeria. The husband tried……

  • Case of the Day: Grupo Famsa v. District Court

    The case of the day is Grupo Famsa, S.A. de C.V. v. Eight Judicial District Court (Nev. 2016). B.E. Uno LLC was the owner of a shopping center in Las Vegas. Famsa, Inc. entered into a lease with Uno for commercial retail space. Grupo Fama guaranteed Famsa’s obligations under the lease. Uno sued Famsa and……