Tag: Hague Service Convention

  • Case of the Day: IDS Property Casualty v. Gree USA

    The case of the day is IDS Property Casualty Insurance Co. v. Gree USA, Inc. (D. Minn. 2018). IDS insured Chad and Andrea Murphy and was subrogee in their claim against Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai, which manufactured an allegedly defective dehumidifier. After IDS paid a claim to the Murphys following a fire they……

  • Case of the Day: Reflex Media v. Apiriliaco

    The case of the day is Reflex Media, Inc. v. Apiriliaco, Ltd. (9th Cir. 2018). The case illustrates nicely the distinction drawn in Water Splash v. Menon between methods of service that the Hague Service Convention authorizes, and methods of service that the Convention merely permits. Reflex served process on Apiriliaco in Cyprus via mail—sent……

  • Brazil Accedes to the Service Convention

    Brazil Accedes to the Service Convention

    Brazil has acceded to the Hague Service Convention. This is a boon to US lawyers, since from a practitioner’s perspective the Hague Convention is much more user-friendly than the Inter-American Convention. As of today, there do not appear to be any declarations or objections accompanying the accession. It’s heartening to see Brazil take such a……

  • Case of the Day: Davis v. Zhou Liang

    The case of the day is Davis v. Zhou Liang (W.D. Wash. 2018). Michael Davis was a passenger on a bus in Washington and was injured in an accident in which Zhou Liang, a resident of China, allegedly was at fault. According to an earlier order, Davis first sued Liang in the state court, and……

  • Case of the Day: Baek v. Radish Media

    The case of the day is Baek v. Radish Media, Inc. (C.D. Cal. 2018). Radish “provides a meeting place for fiction readers seeking unique content and writers with fresh voices on human issues looking to reach people outside of the traditional publishing house model.” I’m not sure what this means, but it sounds a bit……