Tag: Hague Service Convention

  • Case of the Day: Fourte International v. Pin Shine Industrial

    Case of the Day: Fourte International v. Pin Shine Industrial

    The case of the day is Fourte International Ltd. BVI v. Pin Shine Industrial Co. (S.D. Cal. 2019). Fourte brought an action against Suzhou Pinshine Technology Co., Suzhou Sunshine Technology Co., Ltd., and Pin Shine Industrial Co., and Bobbin & Tooling Electronics International Company of BVI. It sought leave to serve Suzhou Pinshine and Suzhou……

  • Case of the Day: Patrick’s Restaurant v. Singh

    The case of the day is Patrick’s Restaurant, LLC v. Singh (D. Minn. 2019). The case is in the genre of Hague Service Convention cases that I love to hate—cases following the lead of Gurung v. Malhotra, my white whale of international judicial assistance.

  • Case of the Day: IDS Property Casualty Insurance Co. v. Gree USA

    The case of the day is IDS Property Casualty Insurance Co. v. Gree USA, Inc. (D. Minn. 2018). It’s another example of bad, clearly wrong decisions on the Hague Service Convention. Chad and Andrea Murphy, who lived in Minnesota, owned a dehumidifier manufactured by Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zuhai, a Chinese firm. It allegedly……

  • Case of the Day: Shull v. University of Queensland

    The case of the day is Shull v. University of Queensland (D. Nev. 2018). Frederick H. Shull Jr. sued the University of Queensland School of Medicine. He sought leave to serve process by mail. The United States and Australia are both parties to the Hague Service Convention. Australia does not object to service by postal……

  • Update on Service by Mail in Japan

    Last week, Japan made a new declaration of opposition to service by postal channels under the Hague Service Convention. This resolves a traditional and longstanding difficulty.