Tag: Hague Service Convention

  • Changzhou SinoType v. Rockefeller: Amicus Update

    A group of outstanding scholars filed an amicus brief in support of my petition for cert. in Changzhou SinoType v. Rockefeller Technology. The group includes (in alphabetical order) George Bermann (Columbia), Hannah Buxbaum (Indiana), John Coyle (UNC), Robin Effron (Brooklyn), Maggie Gardner (Cornell), David Stewart (Georgetown), and Louise Ellen Teitz (Roger Williams). Andrew Hessick, Richard……

  • Improving Rule 4(f)(2)

    I’ve occasionally remarked about an odd feature of FRCP 4(f)(2). Rule 4(f)(1) authorizes methods of service that an international convention authorizes (e.g., the central authority mechanism in the Hague Service Convention or the Additional Protocol to the Inter-American Convention). Rule 4(f)(2) authorizes certain other methods of service, but only “if there is no internationally agreed……

  • Case of the Day: Anova v. Hong King Group

    Case of the Day: Anova v. Hong King Group

    The case of the day is Anova Applied Electronics, Inc. v. Hong King Group, Ltd., 334 F.R.D. 465 (D. Mass. 2020). Anova, a kitchen appliance manufacturer, sued Hong King, a Chinese firm, and other Chinese companies for trademark and trade dress infringement. It sought leave to serve process by email under FRCP 4(f)(3).

  • Cert. Watch: Changzhou SinoType v. Rockefeller

    Readers, here is the petition for cert. in Changzhou Sinotype Technology Co. v. Rockefeller Investments (Asia) VII, a case from the California Supreme Court that you’ll remember from this spring. Here are the facts in a nutshell. A US company wins a big arbitral award against a Chinese company in a US-based arbitration. Rather than……

  • Case of the Day: Facebook v. 9 Xiu Network

    Case of the Day: Facebook v. 9 Xiu Network

    The case of the day is Facebook, Inc. v. 9 Xiu Network (Shenzhen) Technology Co., Ltd. (N.D. Cal. 2019). The image I’ve chosen to go with the post is the virtual bouquet I am sending to Magistrate Judge Alex G. Tse, who joins the small number of judges across the country who have begun to……