Tag: Hague Evidence Convention

  • Case of the Day: Salt River Project v. Trench France

    The case of the day is Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District v. Trench France SAS (D. Ariz. 2018). The Salt River Project sued Trench France in a case arising out of an explosion at a Salt River power plant. Trench France brought an interesting motion seeking appointment of a commissioner under Chapter……

  • Case of the Day: In re Mutual Assistance to the Local Court of Wetzlar

    Case of the Day: In re Mutual Assistance to the Local Court of Wetzlar

    The case of the day is In re Mutual Assistance to the Local Court of Wetzlar, Germany (E.D. Cal. 2018). The opinion doesn’t give the facts in any detail, but we know from the application that the case is a child custody dispute, in which the mother and child lived in Germany and the father……

  • Updated Hague Conference Status Tables

    In November 2016 I noted the Conclusions and Recommendations of the 2016 Special Commission on the operation of the Apostille Convention, which pointed out the possibility of improving the status tables on the Hague Conference website. At the time, the status tables, at least for the Service, Evidence, and Apostille Conventions, did not show a……

  • Case of the Day: In re Letter Rogatory from the Harju County Court

    The case of the day is In re Letter Rogatory from the Harju County Court in Estonia (N.D. Cal. 2017). Lyoness Eesti OÜ brought a defamation action in the Harju County Court in Estonia, alleging that a blogger who controlled a blog on the WordPress.com blogging platform had published “incorrect factual allegations.” The Estonian court,……

  • Germany’s Position on Pre-Trial Discovery Softens!

    Peter Bert, of Taylor Wessig, with important developments from Germany on execution of requests under Article 23 of the Hague Evidence Convention. This is cross-posted at his blog, Dispute Resolution in Germany. You read it here first, back in 2013, but at the time with a question mark, and then again in 2014 and 2015.……