• Paper of the Day: Richard Garnett on “Precarious Employment”

    Today’s paper of the day is Precarious Employment? Varying Approaches to Foreign Sovereign Immunity in Labor Disputes, by Richard Garnett of Melbourne Law School. The paper provides a really interesting and useful overview of the cases and approaches to foreign sovereign immunity as it applies to claims brought by employees of foreign states. Well worth……

  • Case of the Day: Rubin v. Iran

    The case of the day is Rubin v. Islamic Republic of Iran (S. Ct. 2018). The case arose out of a 1997 suicide bombing in Jerusalem, carried out by Hamas. The plaintiffs were US citizens who were wounded in the attack or who were relatives of the injured. They sued Iran in the District Court……

  • Sovereign Immunity of Foreign Central Bank Assets

    Professor Ingrid Wuerth introduces her new paper on the sovereign immunity of foreign central bank assets in today’s post. I agree with Professor Wuerth about the risk of a loss the US faces before the International Court of Justice, and I would only add the following observation: even in the age when our hegemony was……

  • Case of the Day: Ben-Haim v. Edri

    The case of the day is Ben-Haim v. Edri (N.J. Super. Ct. App. Div. 2018). Sharon and Oshrat Ben-Haim, two Jewish Israelis, were married in Israel in 2008. Before and after the wedding, they lived in New Jersey. They had a daughter after the marriage, who was born in New Jersey. When the family traveled……

  • Case of the Day: Han v. Financial Supervisory Service

    The case of the day is Han v. Financial Supervisory Service (S.D.N.Y. 2018). It’s a very odd case. The plaintiff, Karen Han, brought an action against Financial Supervisory Service, which may or may not be an instrumentality of South Korea. The action sought a judgment declaring that if she serves a subpoena for testimony or……