Tag: Ecuador

  • Case of the Day: In re Veiga

    In today’s case of the day, In re Veiga (D.D.C. 2010), we return to the Lago Agrio epic. In this installment, Chevron and its lawyers, Rodrigo Pérez Pallares and Ricardo Reis Veiga, sought to compel the deposition in the United States of Alberto Wray Espinosa, and the production of documents. Ecuador and the Lago Agrio plaintiffs intervened in the……

  • Case of the Day: Republic of Ecuador v. Chevron Corp.

    For proprietors of blogs on international judicial assistance, 2011 has been like 1996 for champagne makers–a vintage year when all is right with the world. We’ve been lucky to have new decisions to report on almost every week in the Lago Agrio case. The latest installment is Republic of Ecuador v. Chevron Corp. (2d Cir. 2011), the……

  • Comity, Irreparable Harm, and the Lago Agrio Injunction

    We covered Judge Kaplan’s anti-suit injunction in the Lago Agrio case a couple of days ago. Others have commented on it as well–both Opinio Juris and the Cadwalader OneWorld blog have posts up. I commented on the Opinio Juris post, and I want to pick up on my comment here.  The point I ultimately want to……

  • From the Lago Agrio Desk

    We have two developments to report in the Lago Agrio case: a new preliminary injunction barring the Lago Agrio plaintiffs from seeking to enforce their judgment; and yet another application for U.S. judicial assistance in the gathering of evidence, though this time by the Ecuadorans rather than by Chevron.

  • Ecuador’s Judgment In The Lago Agrio Case

    Our coverage of the Lago Agrio case till now has focused on Chevron’s efforts to gather evidence in the United States for use in the three proceedings in Ecuador—the Lago Agrio lawsuit itself; the BIT arbitration; and the criminal case. But a significant development in the case yesterday changes our focus from judicial assistance in……