Tag: Ecuador

  • Chevron Opposes the LAPs’ Mandamus Petition

    Chevron has filed its opposition to the Lago Agrio Plaintiffs’ petition for mandamus. There’s a procedural component to the argument: Chevron claims the LAPs have an adequate appellate remedy and that they delayed too long in bringing their petition. But the most interesting part of the brief is the substantive argument about the effect of……

  • Lago Agrio Update

    I have some updates for you in the Lago Agrio case. First, the Lago Agrio plaintiffs have won a victory in Ecuador. Recall that Chevron had won a $96 million award against the Republic of Ecuador in an investment treaty arbitration in the Netherlands; a court in Washington has just confirmed the award. Now the……

  • Case of the Day: Chevron Corp. v. Republic of Ecuador

    Today’s case of the day, Chevron Corp. v. Republic of Ecuador (D.D.C. 2013), is the latest installment in Chevron’s efforts to enforce a $96 million arbitral award it obtained against Ecuador in an investment treaty arbitration held in the Hague under the US/Ecuador bilateral investment treaty. This arbitration arose out of Chevron’s claim that it……

  • Lago Agrio: The Argentine Supreme Court’s Decision, In English

    Here is a translation of the Argentine Supreme Court’s decision vacating the embargo of the assets of Chevron’s subsidiaries and affiliates in Argentina.

  • BREAKING: Argentine Supreme Court Lifts Embargo of Chevron Assets In Lago Agrio Case

    Bloomberg is reporting that the Argentine Supreme Court has lifted the embargo of Chevron’s assets (technically, I suppose, the assets of its subsidiaries and affiliates in Argentina, although I haven’t yet figured out exactly what the opinion says) in Argentina that the Lago Agrio plaintiffs had obtained in aid of the $19 billion Ecuadoran judgment……