Tag: arbitration

  • Case of the Day: Subway International v. Bletas

    The case of the day is Subway International B.V. v. Bletas (D. Conn. 2012). Subway, a Netherlands LLC, is a franchisor of Subway sandwich shops. It entered into a franchise agreement with Panayota and John Bletas that gave the Bletases the right to operate a Subway shop in Greece in return for royalties and advertising……

  • Thoughts On The Third Interim Award In the Chevron/Ecuador Case

    As noted yesterday, the BIT arbitral tribunal has issued its third interim award. The basic decision is as follows: The tribunal has jurisdiction over Texaco Petroleum Co.’s claims, and the claims are admissible The tribunal has jurisdiction over Chevron’s “indirect investment” claims, that is, the claims Chevron brings as TexPet’s parent company, and those claims……

  • Case of the Day: SEI Societa Esplosivi Industriali v. L-3 Fuzing and Ordinance Systems

    The case of the day is SEI Societa Esplosivi Industriali SpA v. L-3 Fuzing and Ordinance Systems, Inc. (D. Del. 2012). L-3 and SEI were defense contractors involved in a contract for fuzes for “aircraft-delivered attack munitions.” L-3 was to deliver electric components to SEI, but L-3’s electronics “presented a safety issue”: they allowed the……

  • Breaking: The BIT Tribunal Finds It Has Jurisdiction Over Chevron’s Claims Against Ecuador

    Chevron won another victory in its arbitration against Ecuador under the US/Ecuador bilateral investment treaty yesterday. In a lengthy decision, the tribunal, comprised of one arbitrator appointed by Chevron, one arbitrator appointed by Ecuador, and a president appointed by the Secretary-General of the Permanent Court of Arbitration, unanimously ruled that it had jurisdiction to consider……

  • Case of the Day: Chelsea Football Club v. Mutu

    The case of the day is Chelsea Football Club Ltd. v. Mutu (S.D. Fla. 2012). Adrian Mutu played soccer for AC Parma until 2003, when he was transferred to Chelsea. Chelsea paid AC Parma a £ 22.5 million transfer fee. Chelsea and Mutu made a five year contract with an annual salary of £ 2.35……